Having never been on an overnighter/ bikepacking trip, I took the opportunity. Thanks to Yuri for the use of the gear and Gordon for showing the way. Cabin Loop, northeast of Payson had me wondering if I was actually in AZ.

What's that Dave? You'll see us in 3 hours on the trail?
Bivi, sleeping bag, GPS and feedbag.
Absolutely some of the finest singletrack I've ridden in the state.
Came up on a controlled burn. Forst Service had closed sections of the forest and trail networks in the weeks leading up to our arrival. Calls to the F.S. confirmed they were open, but still got a little hairy when the smoke was billowing our way and the plane flying overhead.
First cabin.
Punched out 30 miles fully loaded. Just wiped and time for bed.
Second cabin and where we stayed the night; Pinchot Cabin.
Third Cabin.
Fern lined singletrack. Nom, nom, nom, just motoring thru.
A little Duct tape will hold that pipe leak!

Fourth Cabin.
A quick check of the GPS confirmed it was late and this was the last water we'd have before returning to Pinchot cabin for another night. Might as well stay in this nice canyon.
Set up camp only to walk around the corner and find a mo-bettah place to stay. Grab yer stuff.
Much flatter, nice fire ring and easier access to water.
In the morning a nice pedal back to the car.
Looked like Dave's leaveitis didn't affect him this time. Sorry Dave.