Sunday, December 14, 2008

AZE- Kentucky Camp

Arizona Endurance Series was hosting the Kentucky Camp Epic. Yuri and self decided to partake and ride the ride, as opposed to those who were there to race. We were treated to sunny skies and relentless wind.

Yeah, and partying, too!

Sunset the first night.

50 some people showed up to ride, considering this was a free, grassroots event.

Mt. Wrightson in the distance. Keep climbing.

Let's see c'here...Was that a right or a left turn?

Lunch time!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dropin' the Lemmon

With several guys coming down from Phoenix, a group ride was in order. The temps were still too warm to ride down low so Lemmon was the venue. Twelve of us would make the run from the top down to Molino Basin. Two flats less than 20 minutes into the ride were later parlayed into 1 torn pair of shorts, one daring Sadcow who cut the ass out of Dane's shorts, two gents riding thru and/or stepping in human feces in the middle of the trail, one run over snake and one very patient rattler.

Nice of you to join us, Senior Basura!

Count 'em...12 riders

Trail Junction: Carter Canyon Trail: Circa 1880's

Trail Steward Cooper demonstrates the importance of a properly irrigated tree


How's that saladito taste, Todd?

"Riding all this singletrack sure gives me wood!"

How it all went down: 'Get Owda Mah N'Yah!'

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gooseberry Mesa, Utah

After much discussion and a dose of beratement, it was decided that we'd head to Southern Utah for a weekend of riding. Gary, Devo, Salty Bahti, Spiker, Jeffro, Josh 'The Prick', guest appearance by KYLE!!! and self decsended upon Gooseberry Mesa. 5 rides in 3 days and a combination plate of some of the finest riding the area had to offer.

"What chu lookin at, holmes?"

We have arrived!

Not a bad view.

To the north, the palacial high rise, and to the south, shanty town. Nice lean-to boys!

"Can I get an official ruling on that?"

Crew Leader Cooper-
"And then, we'll ride over c'here"

Shortly after this picture was taken, Cooper decided it would be best to crush his beer can with his Sidi. After two failed attempts, upon his third try the beer can shot off the cliff. Smooth move! See any reflective objects in the pic below, just under the ridge?

Day Two

It's a looong way down
Day Three

Hey, Josh, nice headbadge. Who dunnit?

The gate into Zion. No riding in them thar hills, boys.

Yuri doing his best cougar immitation

Slickrock Swamp


Later that afternoon, Cooper puts on a clinic.
"Who's got a dime? Eh? Watch me shoot this dime!"

Yeehaw, Bucky Bronco!

The requisite "Gid owda mah N'yeh!"

Heeeey, ladies. They call me the Prick.

Back to reality and the rat race...