Thursday, March 12, 2009

South Lake Debauchery

Thirteen descended upon South Lake Tahoe for several days of alcohol induced shenanigans and skiing. From San Diego to as far east as NYC and Boston, my bro's came to send me off in style.

Valet shuttle service in the Lincoln Towncar. Sure those ski bags will fit...

With nearly a foot of fresh in the past 24 hours, Sierra was a wise choice!

Peops didn't start arriving until the next afternoon.
These boys mean business, getting started prior to 8am.

Later that night...

Quail egg shooter. Mmmm!

3am breakfast at the casino, this guy was about to fall out of his chair.

4am shenanigans. Thanks fellas!

7:45am roll call

Hey, whatcha drinking Senior Basura? You should feel pretty good after going to bed at 8:30pm last night.

Who's flying this plane?


"Yeah, just another 15 minute hike over that ridge."

BIG THANK YOU to Jason for playing tour guide and showing us all that Kirkwood had to offer!

Heeey, nice Bogner one piece!

It would be rather tough considering that's a T-bar.

More hiking...

Ah yes, Guido Von Schlesser was there, too!

This fellow was wearing what appeared to be a 3/2mm wetsuit with a net shirt buttoned over it. For close to 30 minutes (per Walker standards) he pointed to the slopes. NOICE!

After Trashy serenaded the Argentinian girls, "don't cry for me Argentina!" they apparently didn't want any 99 Bananas.

A store downstairs in the hotel. Best mannequins I've ever seen.

The 'ol ball and chain. Special treat wearing this to dinner!

Heavenly was rather a yawn. Plus the hordes of skiers didn't help matters.

Ah yes, the place where the Tahitian diver from the Steal A Wish Foundation pocketed coins from the fountain.

I consider it a great success; no one spent the night behind bars and no one lost their shirt at the casino.
Thanks boys!

1 comment:

RunsWithKnives said...

Awesome memories Ryan - that was a hell of a good time trip. Glad there aren't any pictures up of the swordfighting sausagefest that was the hottub/nightclub scene.